Support for those with Anxiety, Depression, OCD and other stress and phobia related problems.

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About Anxiety - Information for Anxiety Sufferers

Everyone has anxiety in their life at some time or other. It is a normal part of being human, but for some people it can get out of control to the point where it disrupts their lifestyle. This usually happens when the sufferer becomes afraid of the bodily symptoms he / she is experiencing and then begins to avoid places and situations where they feel the symptoms may occur. This type of "abnormal" anxiety is often there for a reason.

heart 1 imageThese experiences force you to take a look at your life, your attitudes and your behaviour, and you have to be prepared to make changes as necessary. Change is the natural order of life and you have to live in hope that the changes you make this time will really help you to make a difference towards putting things right.

You have to keep looking for other options to help deal with your anxiety. You can't afford to continue with "more of the same" - you deserve better than you've got now! You have to make things happen to bring about the changes which will enable you to have a better quality of life. Those who aren't prepared to make changes have to be prepared to live with the consequences.

heart 2 imageSome anxiety sufferers may feel that they are primarily defective when in fact they are usually very exceptional people - they feel things more deeply than others, they worry and care about other people to an extent that others do not. They are analytical and think about everything deeply. It's a gift to have strong emotions. The great poets, philosophers, and composers were all emotionally charged people - this enabled them to produce the work they did. Don't be ashamed to be an emotional being and to be caring and compassionate, and don't think of yourself as less of a person because you suffer from anxiety.

People who are in any way different from what is thought of as "normal" are not usually understood or appreciated and this is what makes us all unique. It would be a dull world if we were all the same - so be proud of who you are. You are unique, and special, so don't try to change yourself: instead try to change the attitudes and behaviours which are causing you concern and spoiling your life.

heart 3 imageMaybe you have been afraid (or ashamed) to tell anyone about the way you feel and have kept it all bottled up inside of you. You may feel as though something is always there in the background, which you think you would not be in control of if ever it were to materialise. These type of thoughts are always exaggerated and get blown out of all perspective, especially when you're trying to deal with anxiety on your own. You're looking at things with a distorted perception. Talking to someone who understands how you feel can provide a great sense of relief, especially when you start to realise that everything has been blown out of all proportion to the reality of the situation.

It is very important to remember that the symptoms of anxiety - horrible as they are - are NOT symptoms of a mental illness. Anxiety is an emotional problem and it's never going to escalate to the point where you go mad. No-one has, or ever will, go mad through suffering from anxiety - the two conditions are totally and completely unrelated, so if this is one of your fears, don't waste your time and energy worrying about something which will never happen.

heart 4 imageRemember that the feelings you get are all common symptoms of anxiety, and your fear of them is contributing to keeping them alive and causing you so much distress and unhappiness. There are literally millions of people across the world in all walks of life who experience these problems, so you are certainly not alone.

There are numerous ways sufferers try to keep their panic attacks and other symptoms under control. Some may use avoidance behaviour, or distraction techniques to limit their exposure to difficult or frightening events, whilst others will not or cannot avoid fearful situations and consequently live a life dominated by constant feelings of free-floating generalised anxiety.

The only one sure thing with anxiety is that if you are willing to make changes, you will improve your life. Learning to face difficult situations will take time and a lot of personal effort. Remember though, you must be patient - these changes will be gradual, but it will be worthwhile.

Anxiety Symptoms

Panic Attacks

As with all human beings, when you feel stressed, your body is designed to respond by producing adrenaline. This hormone helps to prepare you for "action" by stimulating some bodily functions while damping down others. This normal, automatic reaction is known as the "fight or flight" response, and is... more

When panic starts, sensible thinking stops, so you can't depend on being able to think very clearly at the time. Instead of that, you should read through the ten rules set out below very carefully before you begin to practice them so that they are clear in your mind. When you feel panicky, run through them... more

Wallsend Self Help Group ©2015 Rob Rolls

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