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Post Problems

For your information: The details on this page relate to an incident that occurred in 2002 which has since been fully resolved.   These details are retained on this site for historical reference only.

Special Announcement:
Important Information About The Postal Problems We Experienced during March 2002.

It was brought to our attention that a number of items of mail, addressed to our PO Box number, had not reached us.

After enquiries, Royal Mail finally delivered over 100 items of post, some of which had originally been mailed to us in 2001.

If mail you sent to us was affected by this delay, please be assured, we will not cash any cheques which were caught up in this backlog. We will contact those whose mail was delayed and offer to complete their orders as soon as possible. We hope to have contacted everyone who's mail was affected by the delay by the end of September 2002.

We would like to apologise for this incident and reassure everyone that this problem has now been resolved. Royal Mail have also apologised for the mix-up and have put measures in place to prevent any reoccurrence of this fiasco affecting our mail in the future.

We would like to take this opportunity to express our thanks to everyone who has placed an order for our highly acclaimed book, "Breaking Free From The Anxiety Trap" by Terri Conley, and we look forward to filling many more of your book, CD and booklet orders in the future.

Please Note: As of 31 December 2008, the WSHG CD, Book and Booklet are no longer available from the Wallsend Self Help Group.  In addition, we no longer respond to any communications and our shop is now also closed.  We cannot be held responsible for any orders you may have
placed for these items with third party suppliers.
Wallsend Self Help Group ©2015 Rob Rolls

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