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Self Help Archive

Guestbook Archive 6

Welcome to the Guest Book Archive. This section has come about following the closure of our original Guest Book on 15 October, 2003. In this archive, you will find a copy of every message left by visitors to our site, prior to the closure of the original Guest Book.

We hope you find the information contained here in this archive useful.

Please Note: The information on these pages are included on this site for historical reference only.

 If you chose to follow any link on this page, you do so at your own risk.

Guest Book Archive Page:
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Name: Andrea L
Country: Devon Date: Tue Feb 12 20:14:11 2002
Comment: Brian, perhaps yoou should play a different game and give your fears the boot instead.

Name: Brian
Country: UK Date: Fri Feb 8 11:14:37 2002
Comment: When I get stressed, I stop eating, sleeping and I can't think straight. Metaphorically speaking, I feel like someone in a football game: I've dribbled the ball the length of the pitch and I've only got the keeper to beat... that's when I lose my nerve, every time. Life just falls apart from then on. Any one got any advice?

Name: Mark
Country: UK Date: Sun Feb 3 15:38:52 2002
Comment: I went to the night out with friends - I was terrified, but I went, and it was OK. I gave myself permission to leave whenever I wanted, and I stayed for over 2 hours! I can't believe it! It was hard not anticipating it all going wrong, but I'm pleased I tried: and succeeded. Peter F, your advice was spot on.

Name: Garth
Country: Chigago, USA Date: Mon Jan 28 09:36:45 2002
Comment: Just found your site. Really good information. I thought you'd like to know that I'm thinking of adding a link to your pages from my site. Thanks.

Name: Peter F
Country: Aberdeen Date: Thu Jan 24 10:00:32 2002
Comment: Mark, try not to think of the situation as something to fear, but as an opportunity. Forcasting what might happen will stress you out anyway, so try not to. Allow yourself permission to leave when you want to, even if it's only 2 minutes after you arrive. take some relaxing breaths and believe you can do it. It worked for me.

Name: Mark
Country: UK Date: Wed Jan 23 15:08:40 2002
Comment: I'm seriously stressed out right now, and very anxious about a social situation. Has anyone got any advice on how I should deal with it without backing out or making an idiot of myself when I get there? It's making me ill trying to get it straight in my mind.

Name: Mary
Country: Carlisle-UK Date: Mon Jan 21 16:40:13 2002
Comment: I have visited your web site today for the first time and would like to say how much I appreciate all the information you have given. My own doctor didn't tell me as much as I have learnt from your site. Thank you also for the links to other sites. They are very helpful.

Name: Hillary M
Country: - Date: Tue Jan 15 19:34:15 2002
Comment: The advice you've given me on the web site has been invaluable. I thought I was the only one with OCD problems and didn't know where to get help. Now I know I'm not going mad, and you've helped me gain some control over my life again.

Name: Pauline
Country: UK Date: Sat Jan 12 09:06:01 2002
Comment: Hiya,

I found your website last year and ordered your book. I want to thankyou it has worked wonders there is light at the end of the tunnel. I'm back looking at your site today for a friend I'm sending him your site address because it helped me so much.

Thankyou Charlotte xxx

Name: Brian
Country: Derbyshire Date: Wed Jan 9 16:03:26 2002
Comment: Like the site and I think the new guest book is a good way for fellow sufferers to exchange ideas and support each other. It's just a shame I live so far away from Wallsend because I'd love to attend your meetings - the information has been very useful. Thank you

Guest Book Archive Page:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

These messages originally appeared in our online Guest Book prior to 15 October, 2003.
Some messages may have been edited before inclusion on this page. Prior to its closure on the stated date,
our Guest Book was provided by Message divider image coutesy of

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